Buddhist Iconography

We will be updating this page as we work on the art. We will also be adding links for some excellent sites offering more images. If you are looking for something in particular we may have it or have access to it....just email us and we will help you locate it if possible.

The Path of Mahamudra

Finally, click here for the INTERACTIVE image!

HUM, the seed syllable of the Heart

Click here for the INTERACTIVE image of HUM!

Avalokiteshvara (Chenrenzig)




This is a large collection of Buddhist Iconographic Line Drawings

To Bodhi Pines Main Page

Mahamudra with an INTERACTIVE image of The Nine Stages of Tranquility

HUM is where the HEART is ! An INTERACTIVE image of the seed syllable HUM

To Bodhi Pines Photo Album

The Heart of Perfect Wisdom Sutra